What forms of payment do you accept?
There is a client portal where you can pay with Mastercard or Visa
How long does the group/treatment last?
The number of sessions you will be required will depend on many factors such as what your offense was, do you have any prior similar offenses, blood alcohol level at the time of the offense, etc. The intake counselor will discuss this with you at your intake and assign you to a certain number of sessions or a level.
Is there anyway to get through groups/treatment sooner?
No. Per State of Colorado licensing requirements, you are only allowed to attend one group per week for each treatment
What if I need to miss a group?
If attendance in group is part of probation requirements, group attendance is mandatory. However, we understand that emergencies may arise which would keep you from attending group. We allow 3 excused absences during your groups/treatment to accommodate life's emergencies. You are required to call and inform us of your absence as soon as possible.
Do you offer petty theft, Level 1, or Level II Education or Therapy classes?
What times and days are groups?
Please view Our Calendar for times and days of groups.
Do you offer urine screens and breathalyzers?
Yes. We offer urine screens Monday thru Thursday 10 am to 4 pm You must call 303-805-1218 ext. 0 to make sure we have someone of the same gender is available to supervise the UA.
What do I need to bring to my first appointment?
Any relevant court/probation/human service documents.
Phone: 303-805-1218
Email: Information@rccounseling.com
Address: 18425 Pony Express Dr. #111F Parker, CO 80134
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed from 12 noon to 1 pm daily
Friday-Telehealth appointments only Front Desk Closed
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UAs are available, remember to call to schedule a time.